We are here to help new families thrive, and not just survive.

We are going to teach you all of the things you need to know, that you didn't even know you need to know.

You know yourself, you know each other, we know birth.

There are experts and coaches for everything these days. We are your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum

At first, I didn’t think I needed a prenatal class because I thought I had a pretty good understanding of the basics. But, after a few recommendations and 32 weeks of pregnancy, I decided to commit- albeit a little late. Either way, my decision quickly became validated as my husband and I went on the virtual prenatal journey with Sarah. I was beyond shocked at how much we learned and how much calmer I felt about labour and giving birth by the end of our sessions. It was informative, raw, educational, and honest. It was exactly what I didn’t know I needed. Take the plunge with the Dynamic Doulas of London- you won’t regret it!

- Jennifer

Who are we?

We are South Western Ontario's busiest Doula Agency. We have supported over 100 families and have 10 years of experience in the business.

Sarah and Lara started this as a hobby project and it has grown into a booming support business helping change families lives.

What can we do for you?

We prepare people for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We use anatomy, physiology, stories, experience and expertise to guide you into parenthood feeling confident, and in control.

I need more!

Follow us on Instagram @dynamicdoulas, or visit our website www.dynamicdoulasoflondon.com.

We offer virtual support all over the world, and in person support in Southwestern Ontario. We do coaching, courses, and provide support for all of the parts of the growing a human



The act of educating, loving, respecting, listening, embracing, advocating for, and assisting a person prenatally, during labour, and after.


50% reduction in Caeserean rate

25% shorter labours

60% reduction in epidural requests

40% reduction in forcep deliveries.

​More positive associations with birth process.

Less traumatic